The Fantastic Quote

This Dumbledore quote is important “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of time, when one only remembers to turn on the light.” This is important because happiness can be found in everyone but it matters who shows it. This proves it’s important because it’s good to be a leader so people look forward to you. Finally, this quote is memorable because it’s good to take a chance at showing happiness even if no one is showing it. This is proven because if you do it, it could make a chain reaction.

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King is special because he gave us the day off of school. This is important because I had a lacrosse tournament last weekend and I was tired and didn’t want to go to school Monday. Also, He’s special because he stood up for himself even though people hated him because he was black, which is wrong because you shouldn’t judge people by their skin color. Finally, He’s memorable because of his braveness, this is because if he didn’t walk up to the stage and say I have a dream, then black people would have had less rights then us. As you can see, Martin Luther King is a very special, memorable, heroic, brave person.

Rad Reading December

In December I read a book called shark Bait by Justin D’ath. Sam is on vacation at the Great Barrier Reef when he and a young Japanese tourist are swept off a coral shelf by a huge powering wave over 20 feet tall. Before they know it, a super strong and deadly current pushed them out into the open, dark water. Sam must fight to keep himself and his new friend from drowning. Then as the night swiftly falls over the inky black ocean, the fearless blood curdling underwater predators start moving in.

I recommend reading this book because it’s very quick paced which means there is lots of suspense. This book also makes the reader highly involved which means lots of conflicts and drama. Finally, this book keeps the reader biting their nails which leaves the reader on a cliff hanger making them always want to read more.

My favorite character is Sam. This is because he always barely makes it out of intense and deadly situations. He’s also my favorite character because he’s smart. He proves this on page 88/89, “ I gave the huge deadly bird a sip of water from the bowl before I got a sip even though I was dying of thirst. This proves he’s intelligent because taking a sip of water before giving the bird some would make Sam dead meat The bird would have attacked him because it was originally the birds water. Finally, he’s brave. on page 14-15 this is proven. “I didn’t move a muscle when a shark swam right by me.” This demonstrates that he’s brave because if a shark swam by me, I would be panicking, and I would be frantic to go swim to the top of the surface right away.

My favorite quote is on page 42. “I had to be hopeful to Michi or he will drown.” This is my favorite quote because it shows leadership when he had to step up and make Michi believe in himself so he wouldn’t die. Finally this is my favorite quote because it shows compassion and courage. This is proven because Sam makes himself and Michi think that they’re indestructible so they don’t think about death or drowning.


My word of intention for 2024 is Mullah/money!

I want to be able to earn money this year so I’m able to buy stuff for myself like a mousepad and get games and gift cards for my game. Also I want to try to earn money so I can put it in my savings or retirement fund so if I want to buy a car I won’t have to worry much about the money. Another thing I want to do things for money so for Christmas or for a birthday my parents won’t have to pay for it. Finally, I want to have money so I can go out to the movies or go out and watch a college or professional team play (like the LA Rams, Angles, or Lakers).